Android Login and Registration with PHP, MySQL and SQLite
In my previous article Android Login and Registration Screen Design i explained designing the login and registration interfaces, but it has no functionality. In this tutorial i am explaining how to build complete login and registration system in android using PHP, MySQL and SQLite. Also this tutorial covers how to build simple API using PHP and MySQL. Prerequisites This tutorial is combination of some of my previous tutorials. I hope you covered these tutorials before. Android making HTTP Requests Android JSON Parsing Tutorial Android SQLite Database Tutorial Android Login and Registration Screen Design API (Application Programming Interface) ⇒ Accepting requests by GET/POST methods ⇒ Interact with PHP classes to get data from database or store in database ⇒ Finally will give output in JSON format 1. Creating MySQL Database and Tables As I am writing API in PHP I selected MySql database to maintain users and other related information. Open your mysql console or phpmyad...