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How to install windows 8

Getting started After booting from the DVD that I created from my download, the first thing I encountered was the new light blue Windows logo on a black background, as shown in Figure A . This image remained on the screen for a few moments while Setup was initializing. I was kind of hoping that the flag would be animated, but the only animation was the dots spinning in a circle. Figure A The new light blue Windows flag is introduced. After a few minutes, you'll see the Windows Setup screen shown in Figure B and you will specify your language settings before clicking Next. When you do, Setup will perform some more initialization tasks in the background. Figure B The first step in the installation is to specify your language settings. As soon as the initial steps are taken care of, you'll see the Windows Setup screen shown in Figure C and will click the Install Now button. Figure C To get started, just click the Install now button. Collecting Information Once you click t...