Fast-Track Mass Client-Side Attack Backtrack 5 Tutorial

Fast-Track is one of the best and fastest tool that will give an advance feature to make the penetration testing fast and easy, now look what fast-track tag line say “Where its OK to finish in under 3 minutes” So if it is OK to finish under 3 minute than why we waste time. On a previous fast-track tutorial on backtrack 5 we have discussed the command window of fast-track with client side attack, however fast-track has web interface too and it is very to easy to use for both autopwn and client-side attack.

What Is Fast-Track Mass Client-Side Attack ?
The Fast-Track Mass Client-Side attack starts a custom HTTP Server on port 80. A default website is popped up and iframes injected into the html code. Metasploit is then loaded through msfconsole and has multiple exploits waiting on different ports. As soon as someone connects to you, the listeners fire off and attack the client with various Metasploit Client-Side attacks.
Fast-Track Tutorial on Backtrack
So as usual I am using backtrack machine for this tutorial however you can use other Linux distribution and other operating system as well, Fast-Track is already installed on backtrack 5 so there is no need to install and other stuffs, if you are using backtrack 5 than you can get fast-track from Applications → Backtrack → Exploitation tools → Network exploitation tools → Fast-Track → Fastttrack-web
Now on the local host you will fast-track windows like:

From the left window you will see Mass client-side attack click on it, easy to use only you need to know the
Main interface # It is a network ID/ router IP or simply default gateway
Mass attack means to attack on all available host that are alive within the network (default gateway define the network).
You need to select the payload select Meterpreter reverse shell, if you want to attack ARP poison on a specific host or a range of host than enable ettercap and enter the victim IP.


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