Create A Custom Keyboard on Android
Most Android devices don't have a physical keyboard. Instead, they rely on a virtual or soft keyboard to accept user input. If you're into Android personalization, knowing how to build a custom, soft keyboard can take your hobby to a whole new level.
Using the Android SDK, you can quickly create a soft keyboard with surprisingly few lines of code, because the SDK takes care of a lot of the low level tasks, such as recognizing key touches, drawing the keyboard, and establishing connections between the keyboard and input fields.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a fully functional soft keyboard that can serve as your Android device's default keyboard.
This app will have no activities so deselect Create Activity and click Finish.
Add the following lines to the
Create a file named res/layout/keyboard.xml and replace its contents with the following:
If more than one code is associated with a key, then the character that the key represents will depend on the number of taps the key receives. For example, if a key has the codes 63, 33, and 58:
We can now go ahead and design the keyboard. Create a new file named res/xml/qwerty.xml and replace its contents with the following:
You may have noticed that some keys have negative values for the
7. Create a
Create a new Java class and call it The class should extend
When the keyboard is created, the
Next, we create a method that plays a sound when a key is pressed. We use the
Finally, update the
After activating Simple IME, open any app that allows text input (for example, any messaging app) and click on one of its input fields. You should see a keyboard icon appear in the notifications area. Depending on your device, you can either click on that icon or drag the notification bar down and select Simple IME as the input method. You should now be able to type using your new keyboard.
Using the Android SDK, you can quickly create a soft keyboard with surprisingly few lines of code, because the SDK takes care of a lot of the low level tasks, such as recognizing key touches, drawing the keyboard, and establishing connections between the keyboard and input fields.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a fully functional soft keyboard that can serve as your Android device's default keyboard.
1. Prerequisites
You will need the Eclipse ADT Bundle installed. You can download it from the Android Developer website.2. Create a New Project
Fire up Eclipse and create a new Android application. Call this application, SimpleKeyboard. Make sure you choose a unique package name. Set the minimum required SDK to Android 2.2 and set the target SDK to Android 4.4.This app will have no activities so deselect Create Activity and click Finish.
3. Edit the Manifest
A soft keyboard is considered as an Input Method Editor (IME) by the Android operating system. An IME is declared as aService
in AndroidManifest.xml that uses the BIND_INPUT_METHOD
permission, and responds to the action android.view.InputMethod
.Add the following lines to the
tag of the manifest:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | < service android:name = ".SimpleIME" android:label = "@string/simple_ime" android:permission = "android.permission.BIND_INPUT_METHOD" > < meta-data android:name = "" android:resource = "@xml/method" /> < intent-filter > < action android:name = "android.view.InputMethod" /> </ intent-filter > </ service > |
4. Create method.xml
tag in the manifest file containes a meta-data
tag that references an XML file named method.xml. Without this file, the Android operating system won't recognize our Service
as a valid IME service. The file contains details about the input method and its subtypes. For our keyboard, we define a single subtype for the en_US locale. Create the directory res/xml if it doesn't exist, and add the file method.xml to it. The contents of the file should be:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> < subtype android:label = "@string/subtype_en_US" android:imeSubtypeLocale = "en_US" android:imeSubtypeMode = "keyboard" /> </ input-method > |
5. Edit strings.xml
The strings that this app uses are defined in the res/values/strings.xml file. We're going to need three strings:- the name of the app
- the label of the IME
- the label of the IME's subtype
1 2 3 4 5 | < resources > < string name = "app_name" >SimpleKeyboard</ string > < string name = "simple_ime" >Simple IME</ string > < string name = "subtype_en_US" >English (US)</ string > </ resources > |
6. Define the Keyboard Layout
The layout of our keyboard contains only aKeyboardView
. The layout_alignParentBottom
attribute is set to true
so that keyboard appears at the bottom of the screen.Create a file named res/layout/keyboard.xml and replace its contents with the following:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> < android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView android:id = "@+id/keyboard" android:layout_width = "match_parent" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentBottom = "true" android:keyPreviewLayout = "@layout/preview" /> |
is the layout of the short-lived pop-up that shows up whenever a key on the keyboard is pressed. It contains a single TextView
. Create a file named res/layout/preview.xml and add the following to it:01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 | <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> android:layout_width = "match_parent" android:layout_height = "match_parent" android:gravity = "center" android:background = "#ffff00" android:textStyle = "bold" android:textSize = "30sp" > </ TextView > |
6. Define the Keyboard Keys
The details of the keyboard keys and their positions are specified in an XML file. Every key has the following attributes:keyLabel
: This attribute contains the text that is displayed on the
: This attribute contains the unicode values of the characters that the key represents.
attribute should have the value 97 and the keyLabel
attribute should be set to A.If more than one code is associated with a key, then the character that the key represents will depend on the number of taps the key receives. For example, if a key has the codes 63, 33, and 58:
- a single tap on the key results in the character ?
- two taps in quick succession results in the character !
- three taps in quick succession results in the character :
: This attribute can take the valueleft
. This attribute is usually added to the leftmost and rightmost keys of a row.keyWidth
: This attribute defines the width of a key. It's usually defined as a percentage value.isRepeatable
: If this attribute is set totrue
, long-pressing the key will repeat the action of the key multiple times. It is usually set totrue
for the delete and spacebar keys.
We can now go ahead and design the keyboard. Create a new file named res/xml/qwerty.xml and replace its contents with the following:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | android:keyWidth = "10%p" android:horizontalGap = "0px" android:verticalGap = "0px" android:keyHeight = "60dp" > < Row > < Key android:codes = "49" android:keyLabel = "1" android:keyEdgeFlags = "left" /> < Key android:codes = "50" android:keyLabel = "2" /> < Key android:codes = "51" android:keyLabel = "3" /> < Key android:codes = "52" android:keyLabel = "4" /> < Key android:codes = "53" android:keyLabel = "5" /> < Key android:codes = "54" android:keyLabel = "6" /> < Key android:codes = "55" android:keyLabel = "7" /> < Key android:codes = "56" android:keyLabel = "8" /> < Key android:codes = "57" android:keyLabel = "9" /> < Key android:codes = "48" android:keyLabel = "0" android:keyEdgeFlags = "right" /> </ Row > < Row > < Key android:codes = "113" android:keyLabel = "q" android:keyEdgeFlags = "left" /> < Key android:codes = "119" android:keyLabel = "w" /> < Key android:codes = "101" android:keyLabel = "e" /> < Key android:codes = "114" android:keyLabel = "r" /> < Key android:codes = "116" android:keyLabel = "t" /> < Key android:codes = "121" android:keyLabel = "y" /> < Key android:codes = "117" android:keyLabel = "u" /> < Key android:codes = "105" android:keyLabel = "i" /> < Key android:codes = "111" android:keyLabel = "o" /> < Key android:codes = "112" android:keyLabel = "p" android:keyEdgeFlags = "right" /> </ Row > < Row > < Key android:codes = "97" android:keyLabel = "a" android:keyEdgeFlags = "left" /> < Key android:codes = "115" android:keyLabel = "s" /> < Key android:codes = "100" android:keyLabel = "d" /> < Key android:codes = "102" android:keyLabel = "f" /> < Key android:codes = "103" android:keyLabel = "g" /> < Key android:codes = "104" android:keyLabel = "h" /> < Key android:codes = "106" android:keyLabel = "j" /> < Key android:codes = "107" android:keyLabel = "k" /> < Key android:codes = "108" android:keyLabel = "l" /> < Key android:codes = "35,64" android:keyLabel = "\# \@" android:keyEdgeFlags = "right" /> </ Row > < Row > < Key android:codes = "-1" android:keyLabel = "CAPS" android:keyEdgeFlags = "left" /> < Key android:codes = "122" android:keyLabel = "z" /> < Key android:codes = "120" android:keyLabel = "x" /> < Key android:codes = "99" android:keyLabel = "c" /> < Key android:codes = "118" android:keyLabel = "v" /> < Key android:codes = "98" android:keyLabel = "b" /> < Key android:codes = "110" android:keyLabel = "n" /> < Key android:codes = "109" android:keyLabel = "m" /> < Key android:codes = "46" android:keyLabel = "." /> < Key android:codes = "63,33,58" android:keyLabel = "\? ! :" android:keyEdgeFlags = "right" /> </ Row > < Row android:rowEdgeFlags = "bottom" > < Key android:codes = "44" android:keyLabel = "," android:keyWidth = "10%p" android:keyEdgeFlags = "left" /> < Key android:codes = "47" android:keyLabel = "/" android:keyWidth = "10%p" /> < Key android:codes = "32" android:keyLabel = "SPACE" android:keyWidth = "40%p" android:isRepeatable = "true" /> < Key android:codes = "-5" android:keyLabel = "DEL" android:keyWidth = "20%p" android:isRepeatable = "true" /> < Key android:codes = "-4" android:keyLabel = "DONE" android:keyWidth = "20%p" android:keyEdgeFlags = "right" /> </ Row > </ Keyboard > |
attribute. Negative values are equal to predefined constants in the Keyboard
class. For example, the value -5
is equal to the value of Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE
.7. Create a Service
Create a new Java class and call it The class should extend InputMethodService
class and implement the OnKeyboardActionListener
interface. The OnKeyboardActionListener
interface contains the methods that are called when keys of the soft keyboard are tapped or pressed.The
class should have three member variables:- a
referencing the view defined in the layout - a
instance that is assigned to theKeyboardView
- a
telling us if the caps lock is enabled
interface, the SimpleIME
class should look like this:01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | public class SimpleIME extends InputMethodService implements OnKeyboardActionListener{ private KeyboardView kv; private Keyboard keyboard; private boolean caps = false ; @Override public void onKey( int primaryCode, int [] keyCodes) { } @Override public void onPress( int primaryCode) { } @Override public void onRelease( int primaryCode) { } @Override public void onText(CharSequence text) { } @Override public void swipeDown() { } @Override public void swipeLeft() { } @Override public void swipeRight() { } @Override public void swipeUp() { } } |
method is called. All the member variables of the Service
can be initialized here. Update the implementation of the onCreateInputView
method as shown below:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | @Override public View onCreateInputView() { kv = (KeyboardView)getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.keyboard, null ); keyboard = new Keyboard( this , R.xml.qwerty); kv.setKeyboard(keyboard); kv.setOnKeyboardActionListener( this ); return kv; } |
class to play the sounds. The Android SDK includes a few default sound effects for key presses and those are used in the playClick
method.01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | private void playClick( int keyCode){ AudioManager am = (AudioManager)getSystemService(AUDIO_SERVICE); switch (keyCode){ case 32 : am.playSoundEffect(AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_SPACEBAR); break ; case Keyboard.KEYCODE_DONE: case 10 : am.playSoundEffect(AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_RETURN); break ; case Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE: am.playSoundEffect(AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_DELETE); break ; default : am.playSoundEffect(AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_STANDARD); } } |
method so that our keyboard app can communicate with input fields (usually EditText
views) of other applications.The
method is used to get a connection to the input field of another application. Once we have the connection, we can use the following methods:commitText
to add one or more characters to the input fielddeleteSurroundingText
to delete one or more characters of the input fieldsendKeyEvent
to send events, likeKEYCODE_ENTER
, to the external application
method is called with the unicode value of the key as one of its parameters. Based on this value, the keyboard performs one of the following actions:- If the code is
, one character to the left of the cursor is deleted using thedeleteSurroundingText
method. - If the code is
key event is fired. - If the code is
, the value of thecaps
variable is changed and the shift state of the keyboard is updated using thesetShifted
method. The keyboard needs to be redrawn when the state changes so that the labels of the keys are updated. TheinvalidateAllKeys
method is used to redraw all keys. - For all other codes, the code is simply converted into a character and sent to the input field. If the code represents a letter of the alphabet and the
variable is set totrue
, then the character is converted to uppercase.
method so that it looks like this:01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | @Override public void onKey( int primaryCode, int [] keyCodes) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); playClick(primaryCode); switch (primaryCode){ case Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE : ic.deleteSurroundingText( 1 , 0 ); break ; case Keyboard.KEYCODE_SHIFT: caps = !caps; keyboard.setShifted(caps); kv.invalidateAllKeys(); break ; case Keyboard.KEYCODE_DONE: ic.sendKeyEvent( new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)); break ; default : char code = ( char )primaryCode; if (Character.isLetter(code) && caps){ code = Character.toUpperCase(code); } ic.commitText(String.valueOf(code), 1 ); } } |
8. Testing the Keyboard
The soft keyboard is now ready to be tested. Compile and run it on an Android device. This app doesn't have anActivity
, which means that it won't show up in the launcher. To use it, it should first be activated in the device's Settings.After activating Simple IME, open any app that allows text input (for example, any messaging app) and click on one of its input fields. You should see a keyboard icon appear in the notifications area. Depending on your device, you can either click on that icon or drag the notification bar down and select Simple IME as the input method. You should now be able to type using your new keyboard.
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